
ひらひらと桜の花びら その一つ一つに…

Stir a memory from the past as one.
It is a time to start.
Stir a memory from the past as one.
I don't forget.

下手くそな真似事だった 初めはそう僕ら
(I did my way through than anything else.)
(Sometime we clashed on. But blim over with hope.)

悔しんだ分喜んだ 浮き沈み何度も重ねて
(When we are the kids.)

(It was a glorious moment in a row)

(The time we spent is almost over)

Stir a memory from the past as one.
I don't forget.

(We are all for one. It was a valuable time.)
全てをかけたラストステージ 力振り絞って散った
(We never forget)

言葉さえいらないくらいに 信じ合えてた仲間達との
(We shared all the world.)
かけがえないあの日常が ふわり幕を閉じた…
(We gotta start out. We gotta go to the new place.)

Our time is running out.
Cherry blossom spiral down crossover the memory.
Flash back over and over again.
Everybody seek and get one step closer little by little.
Shared the tears taste of burden.
Can't get past the fruition.
Sharing of the pleasure. Here we start on.
We gotta challenge something new based on our gretfuldays.

(I didn't believe.)
(We will be split.)

幾つもの忘れてしまいそうな 何気ない大切だった日々が
(It was a glorious moment in a row.)
今遠く思い出に変わっていく ここからが始まりと思えたなら
(I thought these days goes on.)
(But this bond will be forever.)
(The time we spent is almost over.)

Stir a memory from the past as one.
It is a time to start.
Stir a memory from the past as one.
I don't forget.